Ciao đź‘‹


Welcome to my "HOME"! My name is Chao Feng. 


I'm currently a Full Stack Developer, and fluent in Typescript, Javascript, and Python. My work usually involves RESTful API, AWS EC2/S3 , MySQL, and MongoDB. Framework I'm being used includes Next.js, Express.js and Django Rest Framework.


I am currently looking for a full-time opportunity. If interested, please reach out to me through 'Contact' section. Thanks.



A Swift New Year
01-08-2021 19:08


Happy 2021 New Year! Finished iOS version of BillBook. All written in SwiftUI. Good experience by working on this side project. Really convenience for users that now can receive notifications once monthly bill is updated. Xcode is not writing friendly if compared with VSCode and sometimes buggy. Restart whole application and simulator would solve it but still annoying. Planning to write more SwiftUI app. Next would re-write Sony Bravia controller web for a iOS version. Push app to app store is not smooth. But this controller utility should do. We'll see. 

Don't Get Sick
12-06-2020 01:57


Had about really bad two months. Got sick. Feeling much better now but still need to pay attention. Extremely frustrated and barely do anything even eating. Much pain and blue. Wish completely recovered by beginning of next year. Kinda back to normal life. Picking up what I've been missing and keep coding!! Warming up with a Sony TV controller web app.

Nextjs now is compatible with React 17
10-31-2020 07:06


Just upgraded a couple of projects to Nextjs 10 with support of React 17. Two of those features got my attention: Built-in Image Component and Internationalized Routing. One of my projects did have needs for these two. What I did was made custom component to handle image loading and appearance. For lan switch, I made a folder called “en” and put all pages in it. Put switch button on nav bar. Those work just well except image optimization. And finally they have “Automatic Resolving of href” for “next/link”. Always like upgrades, and Go Nextjs!

First time experiencing Fire Evacuation Order
10-27-2020 15:57


The fire is so close that can see smokes and even fire. Had to leave home and grab some important documents, and of course Mac(my cat). Wind blows strongly, accelerates fire expanding. Want to go back ASAP!

Raspberry Pi 4
10-06-2020 02:05


Bought a Raspberry Pi recently for the 1st time and did setup for hosting all my personal projects. Setting up DMZ spent like hours but finally found out something wrong with that traditional-looking admin page on D-Link. Shout out for Asus router, so handy and react so fast. Will move all staff over from AWS. 

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